DIY: How To Remove Labels From Jars


I love to reuse glass jars all over the house. I use them in the pantry, the laundry room, and the bathroom… just to name a few. I love the way they look and it’s so much better than tossing them into the recycling bin. Glass can be infinitely recycled (which is great), but it does require a lot of energy to turn it into something new. The best thing you can do is reuse for yourself!

The only thing that can be a bit of a hassle is trying to remove labels and sticky residue from jars once they’re empty. Here’s what I recommend:

  1. Soak jars in hot water for 30 minutes to an hour. I usually add in a dash of castile soap.

  2. Remove from water and peel off the label as best as you can. There will probably be a good amount of residue left over underneath.

  3. Create a paste using olive oil, baking soda, and lemon essential oil. Rub this on the residue that remains on the jar.

  4. Let sit for 30 minutes to an hour.

  5. After that, rinse off the paste and the residue should glide right off of the jar!

  6. If there’s a bit of clumsy residue that doesn’t want to come off, I dab on a tad more lemon essential oil and use a scrubber on it. That usually does the trick!

Let me know if you try this out and I hope it works well for you. If you have any other tips/tricks, let me know! I’d love to hear.

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